Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Back to life... back to reality....

Good Tuesday Morning! This is my family's start to the brand new year. We love taking advantage of the downtime and enjoying all that the holidays have to offer but now is the time to buckle down and push through to our favorite time of year,...summer.

So what does the New Year mean to us? It means doing whatever we set our minds to. Our family is all about goals and making new ones and crushing them. We have an action packed year ahead with tons of excitment!

One of the main things I personally am working on is becoming more organized. Orginization used to be one of my strong points but after having my last kiddo. It totally went to pot. LOL!  That little bundle of joy rocked our world in so many ways and is such a blessing but she is 5 now and I have no more excuses. LOL!

The one thing I am most excited about this years is the oppotunities that are popping up from my amazing little makeup business. This business has totally rocked my world and presented me with so many amazing opportunities. I am forever grateful the ways it has touched my life. I have made lifelong frienships as a results of becoming apart of this amazing little company. Little did I know that a little $99 investment would introduce me to so many amazing people and places.

So that is what is up for us in the next year. You will have to stay tuned to my blog for more exciting news and blogs. I promise not to bore. I will be blogging about our every day adventures, lots of makeup talk, self help and more!

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